Odoo ERP Integration

Odoo bulk sms (Kenya)

This package provides an easy interface for sending SMS in your laravel application. Open a free account Royce BulkSMS, under API menu click generate API. Copy the API key and paste it in your .env file

For support and equiries


  • Provide an easy interface for sending bulk sms
  • Provides a database table for storing sent text.
  • An interface for viewing sent text (outbox)
  • Provide a callback URL you add to your bulksms account. This will ensure that you receive delivery status back to your application (coming soon)


  • Download this app and put it in your addons folder
  • Go to app and search for Bulk sms
  • install the module


  • Open a free account at Royce BulkSMS
  • Under Api > api keys. Generate an API key and copy it.
  • Open Bulk sms app in your odoo app.
  • Under Config>api keys , Create an api key and save
  • Under config> sender id, create a sender id with value of RoyceLtd

How to use

  • Under bulksms> send sms send a test message

How to use from other models

  • Search send.text model and sendCustomText with mobile number,text message, sender id parameters

Sample code when sending from other models

  • self.env['send.text'].sendCustomText('0713727937','We have received your payment, receipt number RCP0022 ','RoyceLtd')